

Ok holidays is over so it's time to fill up my poor blog.

First postcard from Vincenzo from Italy. On the picture we can see the coast of Amalfi. This bouliding is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The card is very pretty and even if it's a church I like his interesing architecture. And a stamp are nice too, especialy with La pace. But it's my first postcard without any massage from the person (ok, expect the signature). Even happy postcrossing are a rubber stamp. It's little sadly for me.

THe coast of Amalfi

Eugene send me postcard from Belarus, but on the picture is Turkey ^_^ This place is called Pamukkale and like Eugene write is very beautiful. I'm sure they is! Just look at the colour of water and all this green plant.
I like when the people send me cards from theyr vacations. This added a element of suprise in postcrossing.
And stamp with wolf it's so lovely!

Pamukkale in Turkey

Postcard from Sohvi from Finland. It's my first postcard with manga/anime theme :D and I was very excited. This very positive pictureare from Yotsuba& manga. Also the stamp with shoes is amazing :D
It's one of my favorite, becouse it's always makes me smile ^^


Next one is from Russia from Irina. I can't understand what is written under photo. But they looks like a native residents of Siberia or something like that. I remember that I've read a article about them, but... what was inside this article hmm... Anuway is very pleasant card for me.

A nice church from small city in Germany from Jan. It's my first card with a stamp that does not look like a stamp. More like QR code ;)
Church in Uelsen
Next is from Netherlands. Diana sent me a postcard from my favorites wall! It's very beautiful card with whale. The picture have a intereting perspective and I love it! :D And it's one of the greenpeaces postcard. Also the stamp with green leafs is pretty too.
Whale :D

And ones again card from Belarus. This time from Elena. It's a photo of Minsk. Very anxiety (for me;)) and artistic photo with great water effect on it. The card is little darkness but on the other side I have a very colourfull stamps with rabbit, tulips and girls :)

And last postcard is from Australia from Heather. This one is very big and on the picture you can see absolutely cute wolf eel. Heh I really like this underwater creature :D and it's one of my favorites postcard!
Oh and the stamps are with fish too, so it's very nice complet!
Eel :)