First postcard from Vincenzo from Italy. On the picture we can see the coast of Amalfi. This bouliding is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The card is very pretty and even if it's a church I like his interesing architecture. And a stamp are nice too, especialy with La pace. But it's my first postcard without any massage from the person (ok, expect the signature). Even happy postcrossing are a rubber stamp. It's little sadly for me.
THe coast of Amalfi |
Eugene send me postcard from Belarus, but on the picture is Turkey ^_^ This place is called Pamukkale and like Eugene write is very beautiful. I'm sure they is! Just look at the colour of water and all this green plant.
I like when the people send me cards from theyr vacations. This added a element of suprise in postcrossing.
And stamp with wolf it's so lovely!
Pamukkale in Turkey |
Postcard from Sohvi from Finland. It's my first postcard with manga/anime theme :D and I was very excited. This very positive pictureare from Yotsuba& manga. Also the stamp with shoes is amazing :D
It's one of my favorite, becouse it's always makes me smile ^^
Yotsuba&! |
Next one is from Russia from Irina. I can't understand what is written under photo. But they looks like a native residents of Siberia or something like that. I remember that I've read a article about them, but... what was inside this article hmm... Anuway is very pleasant card for me.
A nice church from small city in Germany from Jan. It's my first card with a stamp that does not look like a stamp. More like QR code ;)
Church in Uelsen |
Next is from Netherlands. Diana sent me a postcard from my favorites wall! It's very beautiful card with whale. The picture have a intereting perspective and I love it! :D And it's one of the greenpeaces postcard. Also the stamp with green leafs is pretty too.
Whale :D |
And ones again card from Belarus. This time from Elena. It's a photo of Minsk. Very anxiety (for me;)) and artistic photo with great water effect on it. The card is little darkness but on the other side I have a very colourfull stamps with rabbit, tulips and girls :)
Minsk |
And last postcard is from Australia from Heather. This one is very big and on the picture you can see absolutely cute wolf eel. Heh I really like this underwater creature :D and it's one of my favorites postcard!
Oh and the stamps are with fish too, so it's very nice complet!
Eel :) |
Bardzo ładna architektura tego kościoła z Amalfi ;] Też jest mi smutno, gdy nikt nic nie pisze na pocztówce ;(
OdpowiedzUsuńTa druga pocztówka jest bardzo ładna, lubię takie kolory <3 hahaha ktoś trafił w Twój gust jeśli chodzi o znaczek na tej pocztówce ;P
Nie znam tej serii, ale faktycznie jak się na nią spojrzy cieplej się robi na sercu :D Chłopakowi nie przeszkadza stopa na policzku, a jednak fetyszysta XD
Zdjęcie jak z jakiegoś reportażu albo z World Press Photo.
Ładna pogoda na pocztówce. Znaczek jak kod kreskowy? XD
Ta kartka jest ciekawa, po ogon wieloryba fajnie łączy się z górnym motywem na kardce ;P
Szkoda, że nie skanujesz znaczków. Ciekawa fotografia :]
Co to jest ??? O.O Okropne bleee
Żeby nie było, że nie komentuję i nie wchodzę tutaj XD
OdpowiedzUsuńTo teraz będę musiała jakąś notkę w przyszłości niedalekiej przez Ciebie tu wstawić :P
OdpowiedzUsuńTaka kartka bez duszy. To co jest napisane z drugiej strony jest równie ważne jak sam obrazek, czy zdjęcie.
Z Białorusi ogólnie ładne znaczki są ^^ malutkie ale jakie urocze.
Hahah faktyczne,nie zwróciłam wcześniej uwagi na tą stopę XD widać ma twardy sen.
Tak, same kreseczki :)
Dosyc mam zabawy z robieniem zdjęć samym pocztówkom, przydałby mi się taki mały skaner - ręczny :)
To murena XD Czemu? Słodka jest XD